5 Essential Tips for a Beautiful and Healthy Lawn This Spring

Spring is here, with vibrant colors and new beginnings in tow. And you know what that means: it’s the perfect time to turn your attention to your lawn. We know you want to up your game this year, maybe turning things around (finally) and really growing that gorgeous grass you’ve been dreaming of.

We’ve got you covered. Here are five comprehensive tips to ensure your lawn not only looks amazing this spring, but remains healthy and robust throughout the year.

1. Consider Liquid Aeration

Now, we know what you’re thinking: isn’t aeration a fall thing? Sure, the traditional, pull-plugs-out-of-the-ground aeration is typically done in the fall, but have you heard of liquid aeration? It’s perfect for spring! This procedure involves using a liquid solution to enhance the soil’s porosity, improving air, water, and nutrient penetration. It’s like a spring detox for your lawn, rejuvenating it and paving the way for lush growth. You’ll be amazed at how quickly it perks up!

2. Embrace the Art of Raking

Don’t overlook the power of a good old-fashioned rake session! Raking not only helps to remove winter debris but also combats thatch – a layer of mainly dead turfgrass tissue lying between the green vegetation of the grass above and the root system and soil below. This layer, if left unchecked, can create a barrier for water and nutrient absorption. Removing that stuff lets your grass breathe and grow.

3. Avoid Mowing Too Short

While we all love a neatly mowed lawn, don’t make the common mistake of cutting your grass too short. Overly short grass weakens the lawn’s overall health and leaves it susceptible to pests and disease. The general rule of thumb is never to remove more than one-third of the grass blade length at a time. This approach encourages denser grass growth and helps to crowd out weeds. In other words, don’t give it a high-and-tight military cut – think more along the lines of a stylish trim.

4. Master the Science of Watering Your Grass

Watering your lawn may seem like a no-brainer, but there’s an art and science to doing it right. The key is to water deeply but infrequently, helping your grass develop a deep root system that’s more drought resistant. A good soaking a few times a week is better than a daily sprinkle. Be sure to adjust your watering habits based on rainfall to prevent overwatering, too – your lawn will thank you for it!

5. Be Vigilant about Grubs

Grubs, the larvae of certain beetle species, might be small, but they can pose a big problem. These pesky intruders feed on the roots of lawn grasses, causing patches of grass to wilt, yellow, and eventually die. If you notice irregularly shaped, brown spots in your lawn or if you observe more birds than usual (they feed on grubs), it may be time to consider grub control methods.

FAQs on Spring Lawn Care

Q: When’s the best time to start spring lawn care?

A: Early Spring is an essential time for lawn care in New Jersey, Delaware and Pennsylvania. As the weather warms up and the soil begins to thaw, it’s a good time to start preparing your lawn for the growing season.

Q: How often should I mow my lawn in the spring?

A: Typically, you should aim to mow your lawn once a week in the spring. Remember, the key is to avoid mowing too short—stick to removing about a third of the grass length at a time.

Q: What’s the best time of day to water my lawn?

A: Early morning (between 5am-9am) is the best time to water your lawn. The cooler temperatures and calm breeze help the water to soak into the soil instead of evaporating.

Q: How can I tell if my lawn has a grub problem?

A: Look for patches of grass that appear dry, discolored, or thin. If the grass pulls up easily (because the grubs have eaten the roots), that’s a telltale sign. Increased bird activity on your lawn can also suggest a grub issue since birds love to snack on these pesky pests!

Q: Can I fertilize my lawn in the spring?

A: Yes, there is no better way to jumpstart your lawn!  But it’s not that easy, there are key factors that go into fertilization, such as the soil temperature, mixture of nutrients needed and timing of application.  

And there you have it, five key tips to elevate your grass game this spring. Remember, a lush, vibrant lawn is a commitment. With the right care and a little bit of elbow grease, you can look forward to a healthy, beautiful lawn that will be the envy of your neighborhood. Happy gardening, and here’s to the best spring lawn yet!

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Cherry Hill, NJ 08034

130 Hickman Road, Suite 11
Claymont DE 19703